Call for Contributions

The story of social science and war is a long one, going back to the Roman military in the late second century B.C.E., when soldiers became the empire's worst enemy, pillaging citizens and creating social turmoil. But it is a story that has not been amply told.

In the first few months of 2014, the UK media have already provided saturation coverage to mark a century since the outbreak of the First World War. Education Secretary for England Michael Gove had described it as a “just war”; others have recalled the words of the late Harry Patch, the last surviving veteran of the conflict, who called it “legalised mass murder”.

Die evangelische und die katholische Militärseelsorge Österreichs geben anlässlich des Erinnerungsjahres 1914/2014 gemeinsam eine mehrbändige Publikation zum Thema "Religionen im Ersten Weltkrieg" heraus, die sich mit der Thematik Religion/Kirche in der Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs in Österreich beschäftigt. Erscheinen wird diese in der Schriftenreihe des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums, Wien.

U.S. Military History Review is a peer-reviewed e-journal that publishes scholarly articles on the military history of the United States. We welcome manuscripts from both new and established historians as well as graduate students.

Submission Guidelines:

U.S. Military History Review welcomes manuscripts of 5,000- 7,500 words (20-30 double-spaced pages) on any aspect of U.S. military history.

To submit an article for consideration, please send an email to with the following attachments:

Vulcan is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal which aims to cover all aspects of the social and cultural contexts of military invention and innovation. It focuses on questions such as: how do the social and cultural environments within the military itself or in the larger society affect military technological change? And the indispensable corollary: how does changing military technology affect other aspects of society and culture? Articles will address military technology as both agent and object of social change.

The International Bibliography of Military History (IBMH) has been published annually since 1978 as an annotated bibliographical survey of the international literature of military history.

The Bibliographical Committee of the International Commission of Military History (ICMH) encourages contributions to the International Bibliography of Military History, published by Brill. For the next issue (33.2), due to be published in November 2013, the deadline for the contributions is 1 September 2013.

Schwerpunktheft des JahrBuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung

Der Erste Weltkrieg als "Urkatastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts" hat in der Geschichtswissenschaft zu Recht viel Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Denn seine Auswirkungen in Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft bis in unsere heutige Zeit sind unbestritten und überaus vielschichtig. Trotz der intensiven Forschungen zu diesem Konflikt sind wichtige Aspekte in der neueren Forschung in den Hintergrund geraten.

Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, Band 30 (2014)

Von den etwa 13 Millionen Opfern deutscher Massenverbrechen zwischen 1933 und 1945 starben fast alle während des Zweiten Weltkrieges ab September 1939 und insbesondere ab Juni 1941 (über 90 Prozent). Der regionale Schwerpunkt dieser Verbrechen lag in Osteuropa, jedoch nicht allein dort. Unter Massenverbrechen verstehen wir in erster Linie das Ermorden, Verhungernlassen und Deportieren von Zivilisten und Kriegsgefangenen sowie die völkerrechtswidrige Zwangsarbeit für Zwecke der Kriegführung. In dem avisierten Band fragen wir nach dem Verhältnis von Krieg und Massenverbrechen.

I am seeking a German case study as a contribution to a forthcoming volume entitled "Remembering the Great War". The book is concerned with current day practices and politics of remembering the First World War, including the relationship between family history and public representations of war, and the continuing politics of remembering the war beyond those who actually experienced it.

The Encyclopedia of American Military History is being updated to reflect events since September 11, 2001 and the onset of the Global War on Terror. A number of new entries are required, as well as a several existing entries that need updating.

The editor is seeking interested writers to contribute entries. Most of the entries are beteen 250-500 words. Others are longer, up to 1400 words. To receive a list of entries and requirements for submission, please send an inquiry with a CV by email to:


Keith Dickson
